All Marketing Books Are Worthless, Except for These

Just about every book written about marketing that you can pick up today at a bookstore is worthless. They are just a bunch of meaningless tomes describing ways to trick your market, cheat, entertain, or “be creative” that ultimately amounts to nothing. I know that sounds harsh, but hey—do you realize that you can’t get the time back that you wasted on a lousy book that you read?

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3 Reasons Why SEO Isn’t Good Enough Anymore

In this short article, I’m going to explain 3 big reasons why traditional Search Engine Optimization (or SEO) does not work well for local companies. However, before I explain the 3 reasons, let’s talk for just a minute about what traditional SEO companies actually do.

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Will the Internet Destroy the Yellow Pages?

If you own a local business (meaning that your business primarily services a local market), then you probably already advertise in your local phone book (or at least you’ve been approached by your local Yellow Pages company to advertise with them). The question at the forefront of many business owner’s minds today is this, “Should I keep advertising in the phone book even though many of my customers don’t use it any more?” Or, perhaps you’re just wondering if the Internet is going to eliminate the phone book altogether.

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5 Reasons Why You Don’t Want A Custom Designed Website

If you’ve been wondering whether or not you should “cough up the big bucks” to have a web development company make a brand new website for your company, then please read the information below. The following “5 reasons” will save you a lot of time, money, effort, and frustration.

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