Is Video the Missing Piece to Your Marketing?
Video is sort of like having an unfair advantage in marketing. We say this because video allows you to:
- Stand out in a crowded marketplace.
- Scale and be everywhere all the time.
Do You Really Need a New Website?
Our custom website can be built as standalone websites or part of a video sales funnel. The goal of every website or funnel we build is to accomplish 2 things:
- Save YOU time
- Make YOU money
If we can accomplish those 2 things, it’s a win.
The website is the homebase for your business online. We build our websites to include videos to help tell your story, be fully SEO/Mobile optimized, and focused on converting more visitors into customers.
What is a Marketing Funnel?
Custom designed and built marketing funnel that follows a prospect through a modern customer journey. A good example of this would be a Video Sales Funnel which starts when a prospect sees one of your videos online and we guide through the customer journey via:
- Awareness
- Education
- Lead nurturing
- and ultimately becoming a new customer.
Our marketing funnels are built to achieve specific outcomes or goals based on your business’s needs.
Who We Are & How We Work
Mad Capper Studios, Inc is a media and marketing company founded in March 2005 by Matthew Miller. The mission was simple then as it is today. Help businesses grow using video marketing.
Our super simple 5-step formula was created to make engaging videos, get views, generate leads, nurture those leads, and ultimately GET YOU MORE CUSTOMERS.
Matthew started out originally as a TV and Film editor in Los Angeles. See Matthew’s IMDB here. Around 2010, is when the online world opened up and he started putting videos on websites, YouTube, and Facebook.
The videos came out great and people loved them, but the question he always got was, “How Can We Use These Videos to Get Me More Customers?”
That is when the light bulb went on… and he decided to build the best video marketing system he possibly could.
Our Video Sales Machine is a marketing funnel that has all the right ingredients to get you the outcome you desire.
Hi I’m Matthew!
Thanks for stopping by the Mad Capper website. If you like what you see and are interested in learning more, I would suggest jumping on a 15-minute Zoom call.

We do ask a few questions on the Contact Us page to weed out those pesky spammers, so please do your best to fill it out completely. You can also call or text 818-254-9554 anytime, please leave a message and we will get back to you. (thank you robo spam calls for forcing us to monitor incoming calls!)