Video Ads
The best way to duplicate yourself and get your message out to the world AT SCALE is paid video ads.
A Video Advertising Movement
Our video advertising systems are focused on doing 2 things. Saving YOU time and making YOU money. If we can accomplish those 2 things, it’s a win.
Although we CAN do all types of video advertising online, currently we are focused on 2 platforms.
- YouTube
Video advertising is a great way to reach new potential customers as well as remarket to your existing and past customers.
Why focus on YouTube and Facebook Ads?
Withought writing an essay, the short an easy answer is YouTube is where the people are that are ‘Searching’ for things. Facebook is a place people are wasting time scrolling scrolling scrolling… each of these two platforms serve a different purpose. Our Video Ads we create take into account the cost, reach, and frequence each of these platforms provide us.
Let us know what video or vidoes you are looking to create by scheduling a 15 Minute call.
(TikTok and LinkedIn coming soon)
YouTube Ads
YouTube is the second largest search engine in the world and is our favorite place to run video ads. Its cost effective and currently much less expensive than Google Search marketing (PPC).
Almost everybody who has a smartphone has the YouTube app installed.
Countless hours of watchtime are being consumed on this one platform with people looking for entertainment, information, or education. Its an excellent place to bring awareness, educate, or promote your brand.
Facebook Ads
Although Facebook can be used as a lead generation platform, we typically like to use this platform more for brand awareness and retargeting purposes.
Video views are inexpensive and they provide a great way to get your brand in front of people, but, the purpose of Facebook (unlike YouTube) is not provide videos based on search results but rather provide videos based on interests and targeting while people are scrolling through their feed.
In other words, Facebook video ads are more disruptive in nature than YouTube.